Rodlyn and James: Arsenal Park Engagement Session



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No matter where you are in the wedding planning process it’s never too early or late for an engagement session! And when you book your wedding with me you get your engagement session complimentary! I love, love, love spoiling my clients with them and it gives us to become best friends before your wedding. Just ask Rodlyn and James! We totally vibed during their e-session. And just in time for their December 1st wedding! You’re probably looking at your calendar thinking “December 1st? That’s tomorrow!” Yup.

You. Can. Book. Your. Engagements. ANYTIME!

Rodlyn and James opted for a fall/holiday style engagement session at Arsenal Park. When she showed up in that red dress my jaw dropped. Partly because she caught me snacking on skittles, but mostly because girlfriend was WORKIN’ IT! Can we say “red dress emoji?” They just looked amazing! And they were all smiles and laughs for their session. It was absolutely adorable to watch them joke and play.

Rodlyn and James first met at a birthday party for her father. James walked in and she just knew she was going to marry him. Her instincts were correct because tomorrow they start their journey as husband and wife and I can’t wait to capture all the laughs!

When Rodlyn took her heels off I knew instantly we had a kinship. I feel ya, girlfriend! Those shoes are fab but I know they had to be killing!

Congratulations, Rodlyn and James! I can’t wait for the laughs to continue tomorrow at your wedding!


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